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File: fwphp/glomodul/blog/msgmkd/altervista008.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
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Date: 1 year ago
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8\. Understand AngularJS (ng) ver. 1.4.3 & PHP server script Get Emp from Oracle DB 11g ======================================================================================= **[HOME]( "Main menu")** ? Download code 2.Sept.2015 I uploaded ng\_understand.rar ? it contains now all CRUD code. It seems to me that ng is very nice but brings no advantage ? PHP is enough, and problem is to learn two programming techniques, to include ng (minimum 150 kB) ? **We fill in**$scope ng object with Oracle DB 11g data with help of AJAX ?client-server? PHP script**get\_emp\_data.php (hr user)**. Output page shows (looks better with .css included in zip): AngularJS (ng) ver. 1.4.3 [Main page](http://dev1:8083/) * [Home](http://dev1:8083/my_dev/test/books/00_angularjs_demosWahlin/understand_ngjs/get_emp.html#) * [Directive](http://dev1:8083/my_dev/test/books/00_angularjs_demosWahlin/understand_ngjs/directives.html) ng & PHP server script Get Emp from oracle DB 11g ================================================= Search: EMPID LASTNAME HIREDATE DML: select EMPLOYEE\_ID, LAST\_NAME, HIRE\_DATE from (select EMPLOYEE\_ID, LAST\_NAME,to\_char(HIRE\_DATE,?RRRR.DD.MM?) HIRE\_DATE from EMPLOYEES order by LAST\_NAME) where ROWNUM < 11 167 Banda 2008.21.04 116 Baida 2005.24.12 **This script get\_emp.html**15.7.2015 says: 1. Script get\_emp.html is same as index.html ? understand ng. Included is app.js code for quick testing. Added are**few additional lines to fill in**$scope object from Oracle DB 11g data with help of AJAX ?client-server? called PHP script**get\_emp\_data.php**. 2. Search field works after every character typed in. 3. Click on eg HireDate column title works but not for both sorts asc/desc ? I shall do this later. 4. I shall add later to this post (to ng\ all CRUD functions in programming techniques : **ng ? PHP server scripts called with AJAX (client-server web programming technique) ? Oracle DB 11g.** // **get\_emp.html contains app.js code for quick testing** // HH24:mi:ss $http.get("**get\_emp\_data.php**sqlStr=" +"select EMPLOYEE\_ID, LAST\_NAME, HIRE\_DATE from" +" (select EMPLOYEE\_ID, LAST\_NAME" + ",to\_char(HIRE\_DATE,'RRRR.DD.MM') HIRE\_DATE + " from EMPLOYEES order by LAST\_NAME)" +" where ROWNUM < 11" ) .success( function(response) { $scope.myData = response; $scope.reverse = true; } ) .error( function() { } ) ; 5. AJAX ?client-server? called PHP script**get\_emp\_data.php has ~five important statements**: <php /\* http://dev1:8083/my\_dev/test/...**get\_emp\_data.php** http://dev1:8083/my\_dev/test/...get\_emp\_data.phpsqlStr=select... J:\\awww\\apl\\dev1\\my\_dev\\test\\...get\_emp\_data.php \*/ $pdo=**new PDO**('oci:dbname=sspc/XE','hr','hr'); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR\_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE\_EXCEPTION); $stmt = **$pdo->prepare**($\_GET\['sqlStr'\]); /\* $stmt = $pdo->prepare( 'select EMPLOYEE\_ID, LAST\_NAME' .',to\_char(HIRE\_DATE,\\'DD.MM.RRRR\\') HIRE\_DATE' // HH24:mi:ss .' from EMPLOYEES where ROWNUM < 16' ); \*/ **$stmt->execute();** $arr = array(); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH\_ASSOC)) { **$arr\[\] = $row;** } //echo '<pre>'; print\_r($arr); echo '</pre>'; //$arr = $\_GET; // {"sqlStr":"select..."} $arr\[\] = Array ( 'EMPLOYEE\_ID' => "DML:" ,'LAST\_NAME' => $\_GET\['sqlStr'\] ,'HIRE\_DATE' => '' ); //{"EMPLOYEE\_ID":"114","LAST\_NAME":"Raphaely","HIRE\_DATE":"07.12.2002"}, //{"EMPLOYEE\_ID":-1,"LAST\_NAME":"select...","HIRE\_DATE":""}\] $json\_response = **json\_encode($arr);** **echo $json\_response;** > kod[ edit]($web_docroot_url/inc/utl/edservertxt.php)[ phpinfo]($web_docroot_url/phpinfo_inc.php) EOKOD; /\* call it so: kod\_edit\_run( $idx // script\_dir\_path , $idxscript // script\_name , MDURL); // web\_docroot\_url = (Apache) web server URL \*/ }